....Roaming With Friends & Family....


Over the years this group of friends and family have joined together for travel and adventure....

What started out as the annual Valentine's Day dinner gathering evolved into frequent restaurant explorations - trying out the latest haute cuisines of Northern California.  From there we began vacationing together in Mazatlan.  One thing led to another and soon we were travelling the world with some panache.... our trips are preceded by the development of websites dedicated to each adventure - and of course we need themes to go along with the trips.

Greek      globe      beach

Our 2018 sojourn was dubbed "The Flamingo Cruise" - complete with flamingo outfits, flamingo floaty toys, small flamingos, flamingo-logo shirts and hats, and just a little "attitude".  Since then the girls took a trip to Fiday Harbor, some of us flew down to Mazatlan for 10 days, Jim visited Angkor Wat in Cambodia, and seven of us took 3 weeks in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand....who knows where we'll end up next....

flamingo group

Although not everyone can join the team for every trip, it's rarely a small group - and good times are had by all!



Global travel can offer many benefits for vacationers who want to explore new places and cultures. Some of the benefits are:

Broadening your horizons:

Global travel can help you see things from different perspectives, learn new languages, and appreciate the diversity of the world.

Improving your health:
Global travel can boost your physical and mental well-being, as you engage in various activities, reduce stress, and increase happiness.

Making new memories:
Global travel can create unforgettable experiences that enrich your life, such as visiting historical landmarks, tasting exotic foods, and meeting new people.

Developing new skills:
Global travel can enhance your personal and professional skills, such as problem-solving, communication, adaptability, and creativity.


These are just some of the reasons why travel is good for you. I hope this helps you decide where to go and what to do in 2024!



Jim and Kris Jim & Kris
josh n sabrena Josh & Sabrena
diane Diane
Carole  Carole
jane Jane
jo anna Jo Anna
bettie Bettie
tricia Tricia
chris Chris
lauren n larry Lauren & Larry
renee Renee
lorene Lorene
carol n mike Carol & Mike
michael n lynette Mike & Lynette
phyllis Phyllis
Peter & Linda Peter & Linda
bob pierce Robert